The Past Week
Last week was pretty different. I had Monday off which ended up being sweet with the relaxation/poker time. Poker truly is what I do to relax. I love just having at least one day each weekend to just sit on the couch and play some poker with football on in the background. Having that day kind of rejuvenates me. Anyway, Tuesday I taught I went to school and taught. I was talked into being a reader at the quiz bowl the next day. So Wednesday, I read questions from 8-2 for like 24 different schools here at the Seward Civic Center. It was actually a blast. My reading skills definitely improved. Some of the schools there were schools that other Concordia student teachers teach and the other student teachers said that the kids really enjoyed when they had their competition in my room where I was the reader. The questions were extremely hard. I would guess that only 15% of the questions were answered correctly by either team. Rarely did one team out-buzz the other team. Only one person would know the answer, if any. The quiz bowl was a good time though. Thursday I taught again. Thursday night and all day Friday I had teacher workshops at Concordia, which were kind of lame but oh well. I learned a little.
This weekend was fun. Saturday I went into Lincoln with some friends and enjoyed the bars. I met up with my buddy from the Nebraska basketball team, Nick Krenk. Lincoln was sure jam packed after the Nebraska/Virginia Tech game. Most of the bars had absurd cover charges because it was game night ☹ But we found a good place called Woody’s were there were a lot of people I knew from Concordia.
I played in some tourneys Sunday night and struck out in all of them. I am really streaky. It seems I either cash in a bunch or I bust out of all of them. I think I make some bad plays out of frustration after I get eliminated in one. I need to stop that.
Last night we were eliminated in the first round of the ultimate Frisbee tournament by one point, which was disappointing. We played well though as we were probably a 6 point underdog. Kickball and flag football are next!
I was observed in my health class just an hour ago by my university supervisor in what was my first health lesson taught. It went okay even though I was a little nervous. We talked about the circulatory system, which I know fairly well, but I was definitely not an expert on the parts of the heart. So I struggled through that part. I wish I wish I would have studied up more about it before I taught it. It would have went a lot more smooth.
I don't know what is going on the rest of the week besides teaching and basketball.