4th in Tourney

I just finished 4th in the $7K guaranteed deep stack $75 buy in on Full Tilt for a profit of a nice $1378. I am very happy with the 4th place because I bad beat my way to the final table. I did make some really good plays throughout the tourney, but man I put some brutal beats on some people :) I got to the final table 2nd in chips, however, I felt like all of the other players were much more experienced tournament-wise than me. To be honest, I thought that I was the worst player at the final table. So I will definitely take a 4th place finish. I really like this deep stack tourney. I played it once last week and took 12th in it for such a little profit. I want to play in this tourney more often in the future but the problem is that it doesn't start until 1 am Nebraska time. So Montana is the only realistic place I can play it because starting a tourney at midnight is not too awful, I guess. Alright, it is almost 4:30 so I am going to get some sleep.
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