Friday, August 11, 2006

A lot of fun with some grinding on the side...

The last couple of weeks I have been doing a lot of catching up with my friends because this is the last summer that we all could be back in Billings together. Today, about 15 of us are going to my friend Duncan's cabin which is located right near the Yellowstone National Park entrance at Cook City. This is going to be a great weekend and I am excited to get out there to fish and four-wheel. I won't be back till Sunday night. That should be a lot of fun.

The last week or so I have been putting in a lot of short online sessions and have done fairly well. I can't remember the exact numbers, but my bankrolls on each site have raised substantially. It is always a delight to see those numbers rise. School starts on the 21st and I think I'm going to leave this Wednesday for Leah's for a few days before we head off to school. It will be nice to have something different to do, but my poker time is going to become a lot less. Should be a fun next couple of weeks though and I am ready to start my JUNIOR year of college. I can't believe I am already a college upperclassman. Alright, I'm off of for the cabin. Hopefully we all will return alive, but there are no guarantees.